Attending a NHL Playoff game in Round 2
This past Saturday I was in New York celebrating my boyfriend's 30th Birthday, we had gotten on the bus at 7am and arrived near Penn Station at 11:30am. Originally we had planned on meeting up with some friends and watching the Capitals vs Rangers game at a bar about 2 blocks from Madison Square Gardens where the game was going to take place. Phil turned to me and said we had to go, how can we be so close and not go, we purchased last minute tickets and were on our way to catch the game.
The view from our seats.
The view from our seats.

I had never been to a playoff game before and for my first one to be in Madison Square Gardens and to see my team play was a very cool experience. Unfortunately the Capitals lost but it was a great game, the atmosphere in MSG was electric, the fans were loud and into every aspect of the game. Sadly for me they were not cheering for the Caps but the fans that we spoke to had nothing but nice things to say about Ovechkin and Game 1. They were respectful and outspoken about their love for the Rangers.
The game itself was pretty brutal for the first 20 minutes as it looked like the Caps just didn't care about what would happen but the final 40 minutes were amazing to watch, the goals by Kuznetsov and Ovechkin were brilliant and the final few minutes of the game was heart stopping and I don't think I breathed because I didn't want to miss a single second of the final few minutes. I can say that a playoff game is very different from a regular season game, the fans are even more involved during the playoffs and that makes going to a playoff game worth the extra price of the ticket.
I hope you enjoyed this post and will keep following my love affair with sports.
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