Sports as a College Major

Recently I read a very interesting article discussing whether or not athletes should have a specific major for being athlete. I think that this is a very interesting idea because people do major in theatre where their entire goal is to become an actor or actress, so why can't athletes major in being a better athlete since for some this will be their future career. It really is time to stop having the athletic department be just a money making machine for schools. Athletes do deserve to major in what ever they want to major in and if they want to major in sports let them.

Theatre majors take classes on how to be better actors and learn about the history of theatre. So why can't athletes learn how to be better athletes, better motivators and learn about all of the aspects of being an athlete and living in the athletic world. Let them learn about the ethics of being an athlete and maybe then there will be less NCAA violations since they will have learned about why it is bad to take booster money and how that can ruin your reputation. Also they can learn the history of sports and the impact that being an athlete has. Like other majors there can be sub categories where if the athlete really wants to be a coach they can specialize in coaching and learn how to be a better coach and thus when they apply for jobs they will actually have a degree that works for the job they want instead if a random degree.

I know that there is a sports management and sports business majors but these majors are more for people who want to be managers of athletes or work in athletic department, not geared toward athletes who want to be better athletes or coaches. Another class they could have would be sports nutrition because there can always be an emphasis on better eating and this way the athlete can learn why they need to eat a certain way. I think that this would be a very good idea and schools should start thinking about creating this major, especially schools that tend to produce athletes who end up playing professionally.

I hope you all enjoyed this post and keep following my love affair with sports.


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