My First Full Athletic Year at SF State

Last weekend SF State hosted their final home games of the year for Softball and Baseball. For me this was a bittersweet moment because I have enjoyed being able to stop by a game on a Friday during my lunch break or help out when ever was needed. The best part of the weekend was that both teams swept the the teams they were playing, which gave this final weekend a very joyous feeling. The sports season isn't quite over here at SF State as Baseball has their final series this weekend against Pomona and Track has a few more meets and nationals left which will take them through the end of May. But for us everything else is done and the thrill of watching games and supporting the student athletes in that way is over until September.

Even though I started as an intern last February and went to a few games here and there during the spring semester, I didn't really have that same feeling that I have right now. I didn't really know the students and coaches as well as I do now, so the end of the year didn't hit me at all, it was just one more thing I learned about. Now I have a complete school year under my belt and am definitely looking forward to next year and seeing how the teams will grow and change with the new players coming in.

This has been such a whirlwind year ever since I started at SF State. I started here last February not sure if I would succeed in my chosen field, coming off of huge life changing events from moving back to SF, and going through a fairly tough break up. I started a week after I moved back and everyone at State welcomed me with open arms. I got to be a part of so much in those first few months from sitting in on meetings, to creating NLI's, working the games and just learning about compliance and everything else that it takes to make a program successful.

I sit here today very different from the woman who started last February. I am now confident in my skills and still I learn every day. I have taken on more then I have ever dreamed I would during this first year, I have learned how to stat Volleyball games, Softball and Baseball. There is actually a pretty funny story about my learning to stat Softball and Baseball. Starting in January one of my co-workers went on paternity leave and so we started to figure out how to cover his positions and then our SID left so we needed even more coverage. Since I had picked up how to stat Volleyball so quickly it was decided I would help out with Baseball and softball. We had a going away party for the SID and I happened to mention to two of our Baseball coaches that I would be helping out with the stats. So of course they asked me if I knew how to stat and I said well I know the game but I don't really know what those numbers mean, and both of them just looked at me and hung their heads. They ended up giving me a small little crash course in the position numbers and how to write in a play. Now I'm quite confident in my abilities and I love being able to help out either baseball or softball when ever there is a need for me to stat.

I hope you all enjoyed this post and will keep following my love affair with sports.


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