Watching the Memorial Day Brawl between the Nationals and the Giants

So yesterday Baseball saw probably one of the most interesting brawls of all time considering the history between Bryce Harper and Hunter Strickland. In 2014 Harper hit home runs off of Strickland both times he saw him and may have celebrated a bit much the second time. Yesterday Strickland got payback and hit Harper. Now I was at this game and I was sitting in the lower section to the left of home plate and honestly from my angle it looked like it was an inside pitch that went wrong; now seeing the replays it did look intentional. I can't say for sure who is right in this, especially as I am a Giants fan and the Nationals are my second team so I actually have bias for both teams.

This was a stupid fight and it became a benches clearing brawl when Harper went after Strickland. Though there were some funny moments especially when Harper tried to throw his helmet at Strickland and missed completely and then when both of them were punching each other, neither of them are fighters.

This photo of Zimmerman may actually be the best photo of the entire fight because of all of the memes that came out of it. Now I love both of these players and well have watched them for a while and this is just so cute. The other best part was seeing how many players it took to get Strickland off of the field because that was just crazy. Both players are going to be suspended and I'm not sure for how long but we have definitely seen the last of Harper during this series which honestly is kind of sad but might be a silver lining for the Giants. So we shall see, I won't be at the game tonight but I am going to the series finale tomorrow and am intrigued to see if anything will happen today or tomorrow. I'm honestly hoping not because that would mean Posey getting hit most likely and that makes me sad because he is my all time favorite player, but we shall see.

I hope you enjoyed this post and will keep following my love affair with sports.


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